Many homeless and underprivileged children do not get to experience the same 'normal' as their peers. Although a lot of their necessary needs are met, many children go to bed in the same clothes they spent their day wearing. This can affect their sleep and even their self esteem.
In fact, most elementary schools in our area host a special "pajama day" where children are invited to wear their favorite PJs for the day. How fun! However, some children do not participate; not because they don't want to, but likely because they do not own a fitted pair of pajamas.
Founders Debbie Vehr & Valarie Ross joined together in 2018 and created Promise Pajamas to reach out to these children in the greater Charlotte area with the gift of a brand new pair of pajamas. Six years and over 13,000 pajamas later, we find ourselves entering new chapters of life and ending our time as co-founders of this 501c3 nonprofit. But we think the Promise Pajamas model for giving can be used anywhere and by anyone! This way, children in every community across the globe might have an opportunity to sleep warmly in a new, cozy pair of pajamas.
Romans 8:39 tells us that "nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love". With the Promise Pajamas giving model shared on this website, it is our desire for each and every child to feel warm and fully wrapped in the promise of God's never ending love for them through the gift of new pajamas.
Thompson Child & Family
"We greatly appreciate the pajama donations we have received from Promise Pajamas over the last few years. Our programs are always appreciative and excited when they get to put in a request for what is needed most. We are very grateful and love being able to give pajamas to our families in need. It's always a seamless process working with you all and we love the transparency and great communication that we receive. Thank you for all that you do and helping to make the community a better place!"
Cameron's House of Hope -- Shared Comments & Responses from Families Served:
"You don't know what this means to me. I had nothing for my grandson when he was removed from his home. Now I can help provide warm PJs and clothing for him."
(One mother stared at the Promise Pajamas tag and read the message and smiled. She was very grateful for her children to have new PJs to sleep in.)
(One four-year-old was very excited and jumped up and down for his PJs and said he was "sleeping in them every night!")
Changed Choices
"WOW! Thank you for the amazing pajamas! We were so blessed to distribute them."
-- From the year-end update: "... 60 children of CARE clients received Christmas gifts, new pajamas & socks on behalf of their mothers who are currently or recently incarcerated ..."
Hope Haven
"We are so very thankful for the donations that we received during December. The children and parents were excited to be given the cool pajamas for the kids during that time. We had about 13 Families and only a fraction of them were working at that time. It was a great stress relief to have such generosity from Promise Pajamas. The kids created Thank You cards for the donors and we are always honored to be a part of such great organizations that want to give back. I thought it was even sweeter to see the kids running around in the evening right before bed in their new little PJs! I think the parents were a little jealous (lol). Again, we thank you so very much and look forward to continuing to work with you all in the upcoming months!!"
Turning Point
"Watching the children in their new pajamas on Christmas morning was a delight for all of us. Their excitement about their new pajamas increased the joy at Turning Point that morning."
Supportive Housing Communities
"We handed out the pajamas with the holiday gifts last year and it was an overwhelmingly wonderful surprise. Last year all the children received a build-a-bear stuffed animal. It was agreed that there is nothing better then to snuggle up with new pajamas and a soft build-a-bear. Thank you so much for the donation of pajamas. This is a great way to experience comfort at home."