It's official. Promise Pajamas, Inc. is registered, our incredible Board of Directors is set, Bylaws have been approved and our application for 501(c)3 status is filed --- all because of a nudge. You know, the kind of spiritual nudge that pulls at your heart and won't go away. Debbie got that nudge, and soon after shared it with Valarie (me). We talked about the pros and cons, we prayed, and ultimately, Promise Pajamas was real.
So today, I write this blog as our first official News Blog to share with you, our mission partners (our "PJ partners"). Beyond the previous focus to accomplish necessary business items and collaborations for establishing a nonprofit, we are most excited about the most important focus of providing warm, new pajamas for precious children! We can't wait to begin filling this website with details, locations and dates for opportunities to join us in this mission of love, warmth and inclusion. Are you ready? We are!